Kita pasti sudah mendengar berita mengerikan mengenai pembunuhan Xulhaz, pendiri majalah LGBT di Bangladesh. Untuk itu, bersama dengan APCOM, aktivis, dan organisasi lainnya, GAYa NUSANTARA ikut menandatangani joint statement untuk Bangladesh.
“We, the undersigned, join other voices from across Asia and the Pacific – and around the world – in calling upon the Government of Bangladesh to step up efforts to effectively address the horrific violence that has claimed the lives of several journalists, bloggers, academics, activists and other civilians who advocated for a secular, open, just and equitable society for all citizens — regardless of religion, ethnicity, sexuality or any other labels.

- Midnight Poonkasetwattana, Executive Director, APCOM
- Sattara Hattirat, Regional Coordinator, ILGA Asia
- Ryan Silverio, Regional Coordinator, ASEAN SOGIE Caucus
- Natt Kraipet, Network Coordinator, APTN
- Niluka Perera, Project Officer, Youth Voices Count
- Rima Ather, Coordinator, CSBR
- South Asian Human Rights Association of Marginalised Sexualities and Gender
Endorsed By The Following Organizations:
- Association of Transgender People in the Philippines (ATP), Philippines
- Blue Diamond Society, Nepal
- Central Initiative for Transgender, Young Gay, Lesbian Asylum Seekers (CITY GLASS), Kenya
- Consultation Centre of Aids Aid and Health Service, China
- GAURAV, India
- GAYa NUSANTARA Foundation, Indonesia
- Haus of Khameleon, Fiji
- Health Options for Transgender (HOT GENDER), Tanzania
- Health Options for Transgender, Tanzania
- HIV YOUNG VOICES (Hi 5), Kenya
- Human Rights Working Group, Indonesia
- Human Rights- Youth Health Support Centre NGO, Mongolia
- I-Girl group, Việt Nam
- ILGA Oceania
- India HIV/AIDS Alliance, New Delhi, India
- Khwaja Sira Society, Pakistan
- LGBT Kiribati, Kiribati
- Life Gets Better Together (LGBT FOUNDATION), South Sudan
- Lighthouse club, Việt Nam
- NAZ Pakistan, Pakistan
- NGO Phoenix PLUS, Russia
- Oogachaga, Singapore
- Organization Intersex International-Chinese, Taiwan
- PinoyFTM (Filipino Trans Men), Philippines
- Project Mama, Rwanda
- QUEER ESCORT NETWORK (Quest Net), Madagascar
- Rainbow Pride Foundation Youth Wing, Fiji
- Safety Urban Network (SUN East Africa), Uganda and Kenya Chapter
- Samoa Faafafine Association, Samoa
- Sangama, India
- Sierra Leone Youth Coalition on HIV & AIDS, Sierra Leone
- South Asian Human Rights Association for Marginalized Genders & Sexualities (SAHRA)
- Taiwan Tongzhi (LGBT) Hotline Association, Taiwan
- Transgender Resource Center, Hong Kong
- Transgender Youth Revolving Fund (TRAY REFUND), Uganda
- Transmen Indonesia, Indonesia
- Transpiration Power, Thailand
- We are students club, Việt Nam
- Yourself Belize Movement, Belize
Endorsed By The Following Individuals:
- Abhina Aher, India
- Ahsan Ullah, Bangladesh
- AR Arcon, Philippines
- Farid Ahmed, Bangladesh
- Idrissa A. Conteh, Sierra Leone
- Jake Oorloff, Sri Lanka
- Jofiliti Veikoso, Fiji
- Kemas Achmad Mujoko, Indonesia
- Masaki Inaba, Japan
- Nguyễn Đặng Duy Anh, Việt Nam
- Qasim Iqbal, Pakistan
- Raksak Kongseng Desaulniers, Thailand
- Sumit Pawar, India
- To’oto’oali’I Roger Stanley, Samoa
- Trung Tâm NT.LGBT, Việt Nam
- Tuisina Ymania Brown, Samoa
- Vaialia Iosua, Samoa
Media Contacts:
Midnight Poonkasetwattana, Executive Director, APCOM, +66-85-360-5200 (Bangkok)
Sattara Hattirat, Regional Coordinator, ILGA Asia, +66-82-339-5252 (Bangkok)
Ryan Silverio, Regional Coordinator, ASEAN SOGIE Caucus, +63-917-879-7710 (Manila)
Natt Kraipet, Network Coordinator, APTN, +66-82-653-3999 (Bangkok)
Niluka Perera, Project Officer, Youth Voices Count, +66-94-835-1762 (Bangkok)